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Getting current class name including parent class name

Jayden Bell 1787 29-Mar-2014

If I have a class B and C which inherits from A, is there something simpler than using StackFrame's GetFileName() (then parse out the ClassName.cs string)?

If I use this.GetType().Name, it won't return "A" when the code is executing in the parent class.

Sample Code

namespace StackOverflow.Demos
    class Program
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            B myClass = new C();
            string containingClassName = myClass.GetContainingClassName();            Console.WriteLine(containingClassName); //should output StackOverflow.Demos.B
public class A {public A() { } }
public class B : A { public B() { } }
public class C : B { public C() { } }

c# c# 
Updated on 29-Mar-2014

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